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This phase contains two tasks that consists of diverging with a colleague and as a group.

TASK 1: interview with a colleague

To begin the Double Diamond method - we were asked to partner up. I paired up with a colleague, Jamile, to interview and we talked about our experiences as educators. We ended the session by exchanging the interview notes we had taken on one another. What was interesting in our conversations was the differences in school culture despite having roughly the same high ELL population. Her experiences also differed from mine as her school was in a lower socio-economic part of the city which I believe adds to the unique needs I  wrote down for her.The notes Jamile had taken are posted below: details of my own experiences through her lens.

Three unique aspects of your colleagues’ experiences:

  1. Struggling with student motivation even though Art is an options class

  2. No department to lean on except for CTS or Fine Art (choir, band, drama)

  3. Being a teacher that Filipino students could look up to - they saw a reflection of themselves being represented in their teachers 

Three unique needs they have as a professional:

  1. Making connections with other teachers from different departments

  2. Balancing the teaching of independence versus chasing after students

  3. Assisting students whose families aren’t supportive of them going into humanities/fine arts field 



Struggled with apathy and motivation even though the student had the freedom to choose their options. 
Kids who want to socialize impacts the other students who are looking to get work done. It also teaches students to prioritize their work. 
The Art class is a safe space for students so it is important to open up with one another because they may not have that opportunity to do so in other classes. 
Conflicting opinions with their partner teacher regarding marks. Zeros/Low marks which can teacher students hard lessons about putting in work for their projects/handing work in versus constantly being on top of students to get work done which can get them higher marks. Where does enabling and teaching independence begin? 



High Filipino Population

Deep South - Suburb area

International Baccalaureate and Catholic school

A lot of clubs

Multiple sport teams

Hockey Program run by Hockey Canada

1600 Students

1 art teacher

TASK 2: exploring divergent possibilities

At this point, Jamile and I grouped up with another pair, Cole and Stephen, to diverge on the possibilities for understanding and developing our own problems of practice. We asked each other "I wonder" or "what if" questions in order to figure out possible underlying issues for each person's problem of practice.


I found that it was a good experience in getting feedback from Cole and Stephen as they each added a new lens to my needs and issues as a pre-service teacher. There were certainly similarity amongst our underlying issues, but our differences in each of our specializations (core vs. options) allowed each of us to take a different approach to each other's problems. I took down notes on what my group had suggested: these are listed in the slideshow below.


Resilience/Growth mindset 

I wonder how much technology and social media have an impact on students’ mindsets and how they react to the world around them? 
I wonder if students’ lack self-confidence and how much they compare themselves to their peers? 

Underlying issues


  • Self-regulation and self-management 

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